Why Do the Home Makers Prefer Stainless Steel Kitchen Sinks?

Why Do the Home Makers Prefer Stainless Steel Kitchen Sinks?

Dec 09, 2022Magpies Suppliers

Stainless steel for kitchen sinks is a popular choice throughout Australia. Indeed, the market is now full of varied sink styles and materials yet the hard-core preference for stainless steel-made kitchen sinks never seems to die down.

Stainless steel can withstand rust formation. Neither do they crack nor chip nor do they wear out? They are non-porous, hence the kitchen sinks make of stainless steel are hygienic. They are of excellent quality to serve a lifetime.

When you have decided to use the stainless steel kitchen sinks, then along with the mounting style, you will need to consider the size and shape. Here are the three mounting types for you to choose from.

1. Top or Over Mount Sinks

  • Top Or Over Mount Sinks Are The Easy To, Fit Sinks.

A top-mount sink is installed on a benchtop. Hence, replacing it with one of a similar size is indeed easier. The newly chosen kitchen sink can be effortlessly installed and fitted into the same allocated space. This is the main reason why homemakers dote on top-mount stainless sinks.

  • The Top Mounting Kitchen Sinks Can Be Fit On Any Benchtop Material.

The top mounting sinks need cautious installation and proper sealing to the benchtop for preventing water to get through and giving rise to mould, thus damaging the benchtop.

2. Undermount Sink

Undermount sink installation is high in trend. They are excellent for space-saving since they are available without a drainer. Just some space for the bowl is needed. The small or compact kitchens are indeed perfect. Even homemakers preferring the minimalist design in their kitchens will choose the undermount kitchen sinks. These sinks can be cleaned easily, crumbs can be wiped down from the bench top and thrown straight to the sink. Hence, cleaning the sink around the benchtop becomes an effortless process.

  • The benchtop has to be extremely robust to support the undermount sink installation.

  • But the stainless steel undermount sinks can be installed on any benchtop type.

  • A robust stone or granite benchtop supports undermount ceramic or granite kitchen sinks.

  • You will have to get it checked with your installer so you do not make any expensive errors.

3. Flush Mount Sinks

Flush mount sinks are stylishly elegant. In an instant, they might change the kitchen interior look.

  • Custom–made flush mount sinks can be installed but they are not available as ready-made sinks.

  • With the benchtop and sink being made of the same material, the classy sink style becomes extremely alive. The seamless edge keeps everything organized.

  • Compared to the other variants available, the flush mount sinks are the most pricy.

Reaching the end of our discussion, we can safely conclude that the stainless steel kitchen sinks stand out to be the most economical option. Both the residential and commercial kitchens stand out with the stainless steel-made kitchen sinks.

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