WELS and Australian Watermark


​​​​​​Plumbing products in Australia must have a valid WaterMark certification before you can register them under the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme.

WaterMark is a certification mark provided by independent certifying authorities.

It confirms the product:

  • complies with the Plumbing Code of Australia
  • is fit for purpose
    WELS Rating Australian Tapware
  • meets relevant Australian Standards relating to product quality, including health and safety.​
  • Certification is required before a licenced plumber can install plumbing products, in accordance with state and territory plumbing regulations.

At 2Magpies we only sell taps that meet this high level of certification, to ensure our products are suitable for the Australian market. They have no toxic metals and can be installed by a registered plumber.