How Should You Keep Your Kitchen Sink Completely Clean?

How Should You Keep Your Kitchen Sink Completely Clean?

Feb 20, 2023Magpies Suppliers

In the kitchen sinks, you can defrost meat, drain pasta, wash the pet bowl, and wash your hands. Learn how to keep your kitchen sink clean because it's a key source of microbial growth. On food-safe surfaces, however, caustic chemicals are not necessary: we have described the safest, most effective biodegradable cleaning methods for kitchen sinks.

How to Make Your Kitchen Sink Germ-Free?

According to a National Sanitation Foundation survey, kitchen sinks are the germ-filled place in every home. Even without taking into account yeast or mould, coliform was present in a startling 45% of study participants.

Kitchen sinks must be kept free of bacteria because they are the locations where food is prepared and defrosted.

1. Correctly Use Kitchen Sponges

One study found that domestic sponges support more than 360 different bacterial species. Only the human intestinal tract has a higher concentration of germs on Earth than this one.

Sponges can easily spread pathogens including coliform, campylobacter, salmonella, staph, E. coli, and mould across surfaces. Contrary to popular perception, microwaving them might not eliminate all of the bacteria present. If you intend to keep utilizing them:

Change them every one to two weeks. Discard once it starts smelling.

Never apply them to surfaces that have come into contact with raw meat or poultry (use paper towels instead).

To dry out sponges in between uses, keep them on an aerated surface.

Avoid leaving sponges in water or at the bottom of kitchen sinks.

2. Select the Proper Equipment for Cleaning Dishes

Dish brushes typically perform better at cleaning than sponges because they are quicker to dry, easier to rinse, and easier to clean. The brush should be kept upright in a dish rack when not in use.

You need a concentrated dish soap that can cut through oil while moisturizing your hands.

3. Finish Cleaning the Dishes Right Away

It is much simpler to promptly wash the dishes than to remove food residue. Another benefit is that it eliminates the bacteria-filled organic debris that usually draws pests. At the very least, quickly rinse and scrape the dishes before turning out the lights in the kitchen. Instead of letting your dishes dry on a dish towel, we advise letting them air dry. Tea towels are infamous for retaining bacteria when used for spill cleanup, drying hands, and wiping countertops.

4. Frequently Clean Your Kitchen Sink

Daily cleanings might seem excessive, but they're the most effective way to keep your kitchen sink clean. Using natural surface cleaner and a microfiber towel, remove the residue (a gentle scrub brush is great for tough kitchen sink stains). Get into the rim and faucet's nooks and crannies. Then, give everything a good rinse in warm, fresh water before drying everything with a fresh microfiber towel. Keep the area around your kitchen sink dry because bacteria enjoy moist conditions. The procedure can be accelerated by opening a window nearby or installing a sink-side fan.

5. Clean the Kitchen Sink

With disinfecting surface spray, go a step further. This biodegradable, hydrogen peroxide-based disinfectant not only eliminates more than 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, and germs but also removes dirt and eliminates odours. You're good to go after giving the kitchen sink a thorough spraying, letting it stand for ten minutes, and then wiping it down with a microfiber towel.

Pro tip: After coming into direct contact with potentially pathogenic things, it's crucial to clean the kitchen sink (like raw chicken or pet bowls).

6. Remember to Clean the Garbage Disposal.

Old food trash can accumulate bacteria that can provide quite the odour. Following these easy procedures will help you clean your garbage disposal:

  • The splash guard, a black rubber panel at the top of the drain, should be removed and scrubbed with hot, soapy water. Additionally, you can put it on your dishwasher's top rack.

  • Place 6-8 ice cubes, 1 TBSP of baking soda, half of a thinly sliced lemon, and 1 TBSP of baking soda in the chamber with the faucet and garbage disposal off.

  • Add 6–8 additional ice cubes on top.

  • Run the garbage disposal until the grinding sound stops.

  • For 30 to 60 seconds, run the cold water.


Your kitchen sink should be a safe place to grab a glass of water and wash your hands. With care and maintenance, the heart of your home will be happier and healthier. Be careful that you are going to bed leaving behind a clean and dry kitchen sink so that the next morning you are not surprised by any kind of insects.

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